Revitalizing Health Insurance: Building a Better Future
When it comes to selecting the ideal health coverage for you, your family, or your business, having a knowledgeable expert by your side to suggest and provide the best options is essential. That’s precisely where The Dortch Group comes into play!

Regina Dortch
A full Health Insurance Service that is FREE to you.
Health is precious - protect it
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We proudly serve
- Families
- Individuals
- Small Business
- Pre-Existing Conditions
- Currently Uninsured
- Children that aged out of parent's health coverage
- When employers’ health options are too expensive request a FREE quote to compare
- Is Cobra to expensive? request your FREE quote

Health Coverage Experts
licensed in most States
The Dortch Group, being the best private health coverage agent in Texas, can help find the right health coverage for you. With more than seven years of industry experience and has helped people from all walks of life, our health coverage advisor, Regina Dortch, is ready to assist you with everything related to health coverage. Contact our team to receive the help that you need!
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Meet your Health Insurance Expert today
- Families
- Individuals
- Small Business
- Currently Uninsured
What our customers say
Resonating Testimonials: A Glimpse into the Voice of Our Health Insurance Customers

Let's get in touch - Free Consultation
Secure your FREE health insurance consultation now! Discover the ideal plan for your needs, completely cost-free. Don't miss out, take control of your health and finances today!
Let's get in touch - Free Consultation
Secure your FREE health insurance consultation now! Discover the ideal plan for your needs, completely cost-free. Don't miss out, take control of your health and finances today!

Get The Health Coverage Assistance That You Deserve
Many health coverage agents would rather get the job done quickly and apply cookie-cutter methods to get as many clients as possible — sadly, this method only benefits the agent and the health coverage companies in the long run. At The Dortch Group and for Regina Dortch, our main focus is to provide you with a tailored approach that works perfectly for you to take care of your needs while adhering to your budget. Regina is fluent in German (being German herself) and is always delighted to accept and work with German-speaking clients. Contact Regina and The Dortch Group today to get the right health coverage plan that works for you!